What We Do
Presentation of Certificate of
Wreath Laying on Veterans DayThe Old Concord Chapter Daughters of American Revolution participated in Acton’s Veterans Day Ceremony by placing a wreath at the town common’s Isaac Davis Memorial. Isaac Davis commanded a company of minutemen from Acton on April 19, 1775 at Concord’s Old North Bridge and was the first American officer to die in the American Revolution. This makes Isaac Davis among the first U.S. Veterans to be killed.
February EventRemembering Our Troops and Veterans
February 14, 2020 On Valentine’s Day we volunteered for the national salute to hospitalized veterans at the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital by visiting admitted patients. We also remember our troops and veterans by donating needed clothing, writing many thank you cards and donating funds to provide trees for troops at Christmas time. December ProgramDecember 2019 Meeting
Members not only enjoyed a lovey lunch during our meeting but also donated new unwrapped toys for the Toys for Tots program run by the Concord Fire Department. These donations will go to families who cannot afford to buy gifts for their children during the holidays. Over 50 new toys went to families this year. |
November ProgramNovember 2018 Meeting at Harvey Wheeler Community Center
Presentation by Steven Taskovics on the military importance of fifes and drums with their various styles and locally documented sources of eighteenth century musician veterans: John Nixon, Jr. and Luther Blanchard. Steven Taskovics is a life-long fifer and has been a re-enactor since the bicentennial of the United States celebration of the American Revolutionary War in the 1976. He is currently the colonel of the recreated French unit Saintonge, and also in the Middlesex County Volunteers and in the Sudbury Militia Company. |